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Dr. J. James Frost | Cancer’s Intelligence Part 2

Dr. J. James Frost

Updated: Mar 2, 2024

Dr. J. James Frost was recently featured on in an article titled DR. J. JAMES FROST M.D., PH.D., PUBLISHES NEW SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE DISCUSSING CANCER’S ABILITY TO COMPUTE where the journalist highlights how a new scientific article by Dr. J. James Frost, MD, PhD, MBA, entitled Cancer’s Intelligence, will be published this month in the International Journal of Unconventional Computing.

It covers the implications of cancer possessing intelligence by asking - What does it in fact mean for cancer to be intelligent and what is the origin of the actual cancer phenomena we observe and experience?

Dr. Frost contemplates these ideas by exploring how intelligent a human must be to be an expert poker player and by analogy, how intelligent an oncologist needs to be to beat cancer.

The question of whether cancer bluffs is one that Dr. Frost examines on a deeper level, looking at dormant periods of cancer growth – when confronted with an onslaught of chemotherapy and radiation – only to restart even faster growth once the oncologist ceases therapy, believing the cancer to be controlled.

Dr. J. James Frost Johns Hopkins Professor emeritus & President of Bio-molecular Imaging, LLC is quoted saying, "The concepts summarized in this article squarely juxtapose the current cancer paradigm and the conditions for progress to a foundational level of understanding cancer and its intelligence. This new knowledge would necessarily lead to the development of novel measures to disrupt or reverse the cancer process. The road will be long and broad, requiring many disciplines to seamlessly stream together. It cannot be bypassed. The stakes are too high." 

The International Journal of Unconventional Computing will soon be publishing "Cancer’s Intelligence" which features concepts of computation, including self computation and the limits of computation; game playing; ε-machine analysis; self-aware systems; P and NP-hard problems; and Boolean networks are addressed and related to features of cancer that can be described as intelligent.

For more information on cancer, intelligence, computation, game theory, Boolean network, please view the FULL TEXT HERE




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